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Central Library

40 East Saint Clair Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204

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Central Library Hours

Mon - Tue 10 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Wed - Thu 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Fri - Sat 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sun 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Central Library

Upcoming Renovation

The long-awaited renovation plans for Central Library’s Learning Curve (children's area) will be underway very soon. The children’s picture book area formerly located on the East side of Floor 2 at Central Library is now available on the East side of Floor 3. This includes picture books, toddler, concept, board, and characters books, and CDs for children.

As the hub of The Indianapolis Public Library system, Central Library showcases renowned architecture and services. The original 1917 building, designed by Paul Cret and constructed of Indiana limestone in the Greek Doric style, was considered one of the most outstanding secular buildings in the U.S. Its six-story glass and steel-framed addition, designed by Evans Woollen, opened in 2007.

Both the original building and the 2007 addition included a unique architectural feature, the names of iconic authors and literary figures carved into the building's limestone walls. Of the 80+ names memorialized in this fashion, there were just five women represented and no authors of color. In 2021, due to major support from Michael & Adelpha Twyman, the Dr. Michael R. Twyman Endowment Fund, and Lilly Endowment Inc. through The Indianapolis Public Library Foundation, The Library added ten new names to improve representation of the world’s historical, literary, and artistic development. A public unveiling followed in April, 2022. The Library aims to add additional names of authors of color in the years to come. Learn more about this ongoing engraving project at Central Library.


The Learning Curve

The Learning Curve is a high tech, hands-on area designed just for kids, teens, and their families. From story times to art programs, and even an area for teens only, youth may visit the Learning Curve to develop interpretive and critical thinking skills.

The Center for Black Literature & Culture

The Center for Black Literature & Culture (CBLC) is dedicated to celebrating the vibrant and resilient heritage and triumphs of those born of African roots. The CBLC's collection includes specially selected literature, music, movies, and artwork highlighting the contributions of black icons, specifically those with Indiana roots.

Indianapolis Special Collections Room

The Nina Mason Pulliam Indianapolis Special Collections Room (ISCR) houses collections of archival materials. These include adult and children's materials by local authors, photographs, scrapbooks, typescripts, manuscripts, autographed editions, letters, newspapers, and magazines.

Assistive Technology Room

The Assistive Technology Room provides equipment to enhance the library experience for patrons with special needs. This room includes CCTV and a specially designed workstation to offer a variety of features intended to help patrons with mobility, visual, and learning disabilities. Additional assistive services include handheld magnifiers and magnicams.

Computer Training Lab

Receive hands-on instruction on computer skills, computer applications, and accessing online services in Central Library's Computer Training Lab during our computer and technology programs. You can also browse our current schedule of computer classes offered at Central Library as well as our other branch locations.

3D Printing

3D printing equipment at Central Library includes a S5 Ultimaker Printer, a 3D Systems Cube Printer, and a Maker Navigator Printer. Meet at our monthly Makerspace workshops to learn the basics of 3D printing from concept to creation. Individual appointments are also available with a library staff member, either to print a project or tour the equipment.

Book-A-Librarian: Business Resources

Meet with a librarian one-on-one in order to be introduced to business resources including Reference USA, Business Insights Global, Mergent Intellect, and Gale Virtual Reference Library databases. Additional resources can be accessed based on individual need. Schedule an appointment by texting 317-333-6877 or register through Ask-a-Librarian.

The Chris Gonzalez Collection

In existence for over 25 years, the Chris Gonzalez Library and Archives served as a place where LGBTQ+ people could access materials specific to their community. Curated by Michael Bohr, the library was comprised of over 7,000 titles, mostly from donations from community members. In 2017, Indy Pride entered into a partnership with The Indianapolis Public Library to receive most of the book and video materials, curate, and house them at Central Library. There are three ways to find items in the collection:

  • View the Collection in our online catalog.
  • Visit the permanent display highlighting the Collection in the Simon Reading Room at Central Library.
  • As you browse and borrow from our collection, items that are a part of the Collection have an identifying bookplate inside.

Newspaper & Microfilm

The Newspaper collection contains a selection of United States and Indiana newspapers including current issues on paper and historic issues on microfilm. Materials do not circulate.

Patent & Trademark Office

The Central Library is designated an official Patent and Trademark Depository Library by the United States Patent and Trademark Office in Washington. Learn more.

Federal Depository Library Program

Federal Depository Library Program Logo

The Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) ensures that the American public has free access to U.S. government information through depository libraries. As a selective FDLP library, digital and print federal government resources are accessible through our catalog, Central Library, and the numerous other IndyPL library locations.

Foundation Collection

The Foundation Collection provides visitors access to grantmaker directories, books on fundraising and nonprofit management, and the Foundation Center's electronic databases. The databases include detailed profiles of all active U.S. foundations, as well as an extensive file of recent grants awarded by the nation's top funders.

Amenities & Services

Internet Access

  • Public computers with Microsoft Office
  • Early learning computer stations
  • Free Wi-Fi

Meeting Spaces

Study Rooms

Accessible Workstation


  • Checkout
  • Color printer
  • Color copy machines

  • PLEASE NOTE: Personal paper cannot be used in Library printers/copiers.

  • Document scanner
  • Mobile printing services
  • ScanEZ Kiosk

Exam Proctoring

Seed Library (March-October)

Outgoing Fax


Bike Rack

Walk-up Book Return

Drive-up Book Return

"Monument" Art Installation & Book Share Station

  • Located outside Central Library, “Monument” is an art exhibit that doubles as a book share station. The books are free and available to everyone. Borrow and return books supplied and stocked by The Library. No library card is required.
Upcoming Events at Central
Explore STEM + More

Explore STEM + More

Central Library

Kids and families, drop by the Arena on the 2nd floor to immerse yourself in the world of science and tech exploration. Discover something new by exploring robots, LEGOs, STEM apps, crafts, games and more at your own pace.

Computer Basics Series - Level 1

Computer Basics Series - Level 1

Central Library

Adults with little or no experience in using a computer are invited to learn the parts of the computer and to use the computer mouse more effectively, a needed skill to use a computer and the Internet. Discover how to use a mouse and the on-screen cursor to make the computer do what you want it to.

Melanated Monday Movie Series

Melanated Monday Movie Series

Central Library

Join us as we watch and discuss films that portray African American experiences and history, exploring powerful stories and deep cultural insights.


The Central Library has a parking garage available to patrons during their time at the Library. Garage pricing information is detailed below. The garage can be accessed on Pennsylvania Street.

Time Fee
0-30 min Free
30 min-1 hr $1.00
1-2 hr $2.00
2-4 hr $3.00
4-8 hr $5.00
8-12 hr $12.00
12-24 hr $24.00
24-36 hr $36.00
Over 36 hr Towed Away
Banquets and Special Events $5.00 per Vehicle
Director, Central Library
Elizabeth Schoettle

Elizabeth Schoettle

Hi, I’m Elizabeth Schoettle, Director of Central Library. I love to listen to nonfiction audiobooks, mostly biographies and memoirs. I love to share what I have listened to – browse my Listen with Liz recommendations. I hope you’ll visit our location soon. For questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. We are always happy to help!"

Contact Elizabeth